What does the cat say
Client: class project About this project This infographic tells you what your cats are trying to say by using their body language. It's a project done for a class. The cat figures are inspired by a Japanese mobile game Neko Atsume(marked in 'reference' in the graph). Being a cat person,…
2017 Chinese Undergrads Yearbook
Client: UNC Chinese Student Association About this project This yearbook is designed for UNC Chinese students graduated in 2017. I designed front and back cover, inner pages, and set up the frame for each student to fill in his or her own information. The yearbook was published and distributed to all…
Human Trafficking Poster
Project Type class project About this project This poster is designed to address human trafficking which is a social justice issue that's arousing people's concern. The hidden figures in the barcode echo with the theme: human trafficking is always there, but people do not see them happen. The window-like barcode…
Oscar Wilde
Client: class project About this project This is an infographic about the Irish writer Oscar Wilde.It's a project created for a design class. The project mission is to create an infographic about a person or an entertainment. I chose Oscar Wilde as my subject not only because he's one of…
You need to be there
Client: class project About this project This project calls for people's attention to the nature around us. It's created for an intro-level art class. The project was named and students were required to create five panels of whatever art form they chose to express a certain theme. Challenge Time…
Deers in the forest
Client: class project About this project It's an assignment for an art class. I was inspired by magical realism when producing this piece. I'd like to convey the idea of 'Preventing Hunting', and I wanted a little sense of satire in the picture. Take a close look then viewers will…
Client: class project About this project It's an assignment for an art class. The project requirement is to create a cinematic space using preferred art forms. At first, I tried to do what I'm most comfortable with -- drawing or painting. However, I read about mini sculpture and was inspired…
Prayer in the deep sea
About this project This is a self-initiated digital drawing. It was a scene appearing in my dream. I saw a girl sinking in the darkness but holding a firefly in her hands. When I woke up, I drew it down. Capabilities involved Digital painting, Photoshop, Manga Studio